Specialized Crossroads Black 26 x 1.9

Art.Nr.  00316-0169
Farbe: Black
Größe: 26 x 1.9

Sofort im Shop verfügbar
Verfügbar in unserer Filiale in Salzkammergutbiker, Freimüller Handels GmbH
Sofort im Shop verfügbar
Verfügbar in unserer Filiale in Salzkammergutbiker, Freimüller Handels GmbH

pro Stück (inkl. MwSt.)

30,00 EUR

Verkauf nur im Ladenlokal


Whether it's on your mountain or around-town bike the Crossroads tire is ready for the rigors of everyday life. And with Flak Jacket flat protection a rugged casing and a smooth-rolling tread you'll get around town easily without worrying about flats or traction on parkways and cobbles.